Use of "went on"


इसका प्रयोग "ता रहा", "ते रहे", "ती रही", "ता रह गया", "ते रह गये", "ती रह गयी", "ता गया", "ते गये", "ती गई" को बताने में किया जाता है |
Structure - All subject + went on + V4

EX :-
मैं उसे बुलाती रही लेकिन वह नहीं सुनी - I went on calling her, but didn't listen.
उसकी माँ उसे डांटती रही और मैं बर्दास्त करती रही - Her mother went on scolding her and I went on beating.
वे लोग दिखाते रहे और मैं देखता रहा - They went on showing and i went on watching.
शीला परीक्षा में लिखती गई लेकिन मुझे वह नहीं दिखाई - Sheela went on writing in exam but she didn't show me.

Negative Sentences
Structure - All Subject + didn't go on+ V4
EX : -
वह घर में कुछ नहीं करता रहा - He did not go on doing anything at home.
उसकी माँ कुछ भी नहीं खाती रही इसीलिए हमलोग परेशान थे - His mother did not go on eating anything so we were disturb.

Interrogative Sentences
Structure - Did + All Subject + go on + V4
Structure - Why/How + did + Subject + go on + V4
EX :-
क्या आप उसको परेशान करते रहे ? - Did you go on disturbing him ?
क्या वह अपने बेटे के बारे में चिंता करते गये - Did he go on worrying about his son ?
तुम सबके सामने एसा क्यों बोलते रहे - Why did you go on speaking like this in front of all ?

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