Use of 'has/have'
इसका अर्थ 'रखना' होता है इससे अधिकार/ संबंध का भाव प्रकट होता है |
'Have/Has' Present में कहा जाता है तथा इसका Past 'had' होता है तथा इसका Future 'Shall have/will have' होता है |
मैं एक गाय रखता हूँ - I have a cow.
मेरे पास एक गाय है - I have a cow.
कुत्ता को एक पूंछ होती है - The dog has a tail.
उनलोगों को एक मकान नहीं है - They have not a home.
लडको के पास एक गेंद है - Boys have a ball.
EX :-
मुझे एक घोड़ा था - I had a horse.
राम के पास समय नहीं था - Ram had no time.
उस कब एक कार थी - When had he a car?
क्या राम को बैल था - Had Ram an ox?
मेरे पास एक कार होगी - I shall have a car.
तुम्हे शांति नहीं मिलेगी - You will not have peace.
क्या आपके पास एक कार होगी - Will you have a car?
हमे सफलता कैसे मिलेगी - How shall we have success?
'Have/Has' Present में कहा जाता है तथा इसका Past 'had' होता है तथा इसका Future 'Shall have/will have' होता है |
1. Use of Has/Have ( Present)
Structure - I,We,You,They, Boys + have + thing.
Structure - He,She,It,Name,Boy + has + thing.
EX :-Structure - I,We,You,They, Boys + have + thing.
Structure - He,She,It,Name,Boy + has + thing.
मैं एक गाय रखता हूँ - I have a cow.
मेरे पास एक गाय है - I have a cow.
कुत्ता को एक पूंछ होती है - The dog has a tail.
उनलोगों को एक मकान नहीं है - They have not a home.
लडको के पास एक गेंद है - Boys have a ball.
2. Use of had (Past)
Structure - All Subject + had + thing.
Structure - All Subject + had + thing.
EX :-
मुझे एक घोड़ा था - I had a horse.
राम के पास समय नहीं था - Ram had no time.
उस कब एक कार थी - When had he a car?
क्या राम को बैल था - Had Ram an ox?
3. Use of shall have/ will have (Future)
Structure - I,we + shall have + thing.
Structure - He,She,It,You,They + will have + thing.
EX :-Structure - I,we + shall have + thing.
Structure - He,She,It,You,They + will have + thing.
मेरे पास एक कार होगी - I shall have a car.
तुम्हे शांति नहीं मिलेगी - You will not have peace.
क्या आपके पास एक कार होगी - Will you have a car?
हमे सफलता कैसे मिलेगी - How shall we have success?
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